Yami Apps 应用

Flute Playing Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you like to listen music? Do you notknowhow to play a musical instrument? Are you dream to giverecitals orbecame a wind band party? Download Flute PlayingSimulator app anda dream into reality. Choose a favorite tool, holdthe phone to hislips clamped and blow holes. Its simple! Enjoy theplaying processand get to someone. Brag playing progress a windinstrument to yourfriends, learn the classic or compose new ones.You will not bebored with flute in your pocket. Relaxing after abusy day withsettling the nerves melody. Play the flute everywherewhen there isfree time.Attention! Flute Playing Simulator app - a joke, a gamecreatedfor entertainment. It is not the original flute, but onlycopiesthe wind instrument.
Weight Scanner Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you think your weigh less than expected,butstill did not find evidence of his inner anxiety? Do you thinkwhilethe surrounding say that you have a perfect figure will begood Ifyou lose a few pounds? How do your know the psychologicalweight ofnutritionists or psychics without using the services?Download theWeight Scanner Simulator, upload photos and scans!Know the parents,friends and classmates to weigh! Do not forget tofind out and yourpsychological weight!Attention! Weight Scanner Simulator App - a joke, a game createdforfun and entertainment. The result of each scan is generatedatrandom and can not be repeated. In no case do not get up onthephone to check the weight, as the phone does not carry outthefunctions of the balance.Get in the mood with the Weight Scanner Simulator appandsurprised your friend!
Zipper Lock Screen Prank 1.0
Yami Apps
Are you blocked phone clouds or raindropssomeday? If you like to change the screen on the phoneeverymorning the application Zipper Lock Screen is for you.Download theapp, choose an interesting photo and the screen isfastened with azipper. Phone looks great when the screen is coloredwith brightcolors or it floating clouds. Lock on the zipper doesnot requireadditional codes and passwords, pull down the slider andthe phoneback to work. Vivid photos for screen will give a chic tophone. Itwill attract the attention of others and get to the top ofthecoolest gadgets in the friends company.
Virtual DJ Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you like as DJ creates a cool mix onthefly? Are you dream to create their own mixes? You can feel likeareal DJ with Virtual DJ Simulator app.Only select tracks and mixes and incredible sound effects.Doremixes of your favorite songs or create your own mixes onyourphone. Partying with friends, connect the unit to the speakersandimprovise. Cool disco and fun provided by your company.
Dancing Cats Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you like cats? Do you want to invent anewgame to entertain the cat and have some fun? Are you dream tohavea charismatic cool kitten, but the parents againstanimals?Download the Dancing Cat Simulator app and lights withFuzzy.Select your favorite cat, dance style and fun. Dance, singalong,charges surrounding a great mood. Dynamic dance is the keytosuccessful day! Positive cats amuse anyone, because everyonelovescats.Share Dancing Cat Simulator her pussy and maybe she too begantodance or want to play with dancing animals. Tell your friendshowto entertain the honey pet without expensive toys.
Russian roulette. Game 1.1
Yami Apps
Russian roulette Game it is a joke, prank andsimulator weapon for drawing or comic resolution of the disputewith a friend.Do you like to play your friends in an adult? Are you a gambler andbet like? Do you like guns, pistols and revolvers? If so, downloadRussian roulette Game app. Play and have fun! Bettor is charged inthe gun barrel one bullet scrolled drum, not knowing where it was,pulled the trigger. Find out how you are lucky in the dispute! Yourisk nothing, its just a game!Use the volume buttons on the phone to control the gun sounds. Thiscomic game with vivid sound effects will make you really worriedand friends.Bet and play!Attention! Russian roulette Game app is only the game and joke, andcan t cause any harm to human health and life! The game isabsolutely safe!
Can shoot down Ball 1.0
Yami Apps
Can shoot down Ball App is a game for thosewholike to throw things right on target. Choose the cans designandfavorite type of ball. Aim at pile of cans, swings harder andthrowthe ball. Hit the cans so they scattered in different sidesafterone throw. Feel like a professional sniper developingskillsaccurate throw and share successes with your friends!Have fun alone or with friends. Spend a fun time with the Canshootdown Ball App.
School Bell Joke 1.1
Yami Apps
Do you miss while waiting the school bell on the lessons? Do youdream to run away quickly after class, but time moving very slowly?Turn on the school bell whenever you want! Download the School BellJoke app. Choose the close bell signal which ringing at the schooland switch it on! The teacher want ever know the lesson is over 15minutes earlier. Classmates will happily gather a textbooks and runout of the class. Dont acknowledge you control the school bell.Otherwise you will be called to the director and punished. Pleasenote! School Bell Joke app is the game, joke and funny. The app isthe school bell simulator created for jokes and fun. The app callsound isnt the real siren sounds at school, but only looks like it.If you got tired of learning press the call button! Reduce thelessons durations and extend the recess as you wish!
Play Trumpet Simulator 1.1
Yami Apps
Would you like to become a musician? Is it thedream of your life playing on the trumpet? Dream will come truewith the Play Trumpet Simulator app. Now you have the trumpet inthe pocket. Download and run the app on your phone, choose yourfavorite trumpet, listen to the melody and repeat it. Conquersurrounding virtuoso and lift their spirits. Composing new tunes asa composer or use the phone to warm up the fingers. Arrange thecompetition playing on the trumpet with friends. Youll spend a funtime and learn to play a new instrument.ATTENTION! Play Trumpet Simulator app is not the trainer to playthe trumpet for pupils.
Virtual Guitar Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Are you planning a party? Do you wanttoentertain friends? Are you need a cool music? VirtualGuitarSimulator app will solve the all problem. Great fun withfriendsplaying guitar. Become a generalist, able to play differentkindsof guitars: acoustic, classical, electric, rock orbassguitar.If you are a beginner guitarist you can teach basic chords. Ifyouplay the guitar professionally collaborate with yourfriends,create a rock band in and record the own songs with aguitar.level-up playing skills on the guitar and please surroundingtheirmusic.Attention! It is the playing simulator, you do not learn toplayreal guitar, but you do it with pleasure.
Tattoo Photo Editor Man Girl 1.0
Yami Apps
Did you dream is getting a tattoo? Thepainwould not be desirable ... Did you not know how it looksandparents against it? Do not experiment on themselves. DownloadtheTattoo Photo Editor Man Girl app and do dozens of tattoos tochoosefrom. Do photos from your camera and apply incredible tattoo.Youno sense to come up with your own picture. Attached manysteepideas: animals or flowers for girls, characters or abstractionforguys. Choose the right angle and place a tattoo, rotate andscaledrawings. Keep a photo in the gallery or publish onsocialnetworks. Tattoos on the photo look cool and realistic.
Abs Photo Editor Prank 1.0
Yami Apps
Are you strive to the ideal press? Areyouinterested in how it looks on your figure? Abs Photo EditorPrankonly for you. Download the app and "swing a press" on thephone. Dophoto and impose on him all kinds of cubes strokes orgirlsmuscles. Publish photos to social networks! Have fun withyourfriends, your abdominal muscles by imposing a parrot, a dog oracat.App as the simulator will not help to become aprofessionalbodybuilder, but youll know what to strive for.
Fingerprint Lock Screen Joke 1.0
Yami Apps
Are you keep the secret information onthephone? Do you not want anyone to get access to it? Use theLockFingerprint Joke app and no one dares to look at yourphone.Put your finger on the fingerprint detector and hold 2 seconds.Thedetector will begin to scan and the phone is unlocked whenyoullpass the test. Demonstrate the phone safety advising yourfriendsto do the same. Be calm, the information will be protected.Nobodyknows your secrets.Attention. This app draws in reality does not scanfingerprints,and does not perform lock the phone.
Real Weapons Simulator 1.1
Yami Apps
Does any weapons give you life? Do you want to learn to handleweapons? Modern pistols and submachine are in you pocket with theReal Weapons Simulator app. Download the app and sells dreams. Youwill learn to handle modern weapons and get the marksmanshipskills. Stunning visual and audio effects will make believe youhold a real gun. Becomes cool, playing secure gun with friends andjust have fun. Attention. This is a game is a joke, it iscompletely safe and will not cause harm to health
Cat Toys SImulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you not want to leave your cat alone?Didyour cat loves the game? Are you enjoy how pet is playing?DownloadCat Toys SImulator app and have a fun. Cat cancatch a laser, a fly or a ladybug, catch birds or mice thatrespondto touch and emit different sounds. Surprise your clevercats andrejoice together with it.
3D Glasses Camera Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Are you tired of flat images and prefer3Dimages? Discover the world of virtual reality on your phonewiththe 3D Glasses Camera Simulator app. Download and install theappand try to put the phone as glasses. Look around and see howtheworld comes to life before our eyes. Raffle friends in thecinema,showing them virtual reality glasses on the phone. Have funwithyour friends animating characters of books or textbooks.Thevirtual world is just in your pocket.Attention! 3D Glasses Camera Simulator app is a joke andgame,and not true virtual reality goggles. The app does not workforwatching 3D movies or playing games. Do not hold the phone closetoyour eyes for a long time. The application is not harmful toyourhealth.
Zombie Photo Selfie 1.0
Yami Apps
Are you like movies about zombies and horror?Do you like to scare the others? Download theZombie Photo Selfie app and have fun with friends. Choose howzombies will be, make a photo and change the eyes or nose, lips orteeth, superimpose scars or blow brains. Come up with a scenario ofapocalyptic movies.Happy Zombie photo friends, arrange parties. Only them you knowsomeone changed the brain will win. Youll become a great filmmakerof horror. Only open your photo editor and do the zombies!Attention. Zombie Photo Selfie app - funny joke and does notassume any risk to health.
Purring Cat Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Are you tired or frustrated? Are you unwellandsad? All problems disappear by themselves with favorite pets.Lovelyhumming dwell in your phone or tablet with the Purring CatSimulatorapp. Download and run the app, choose a photo cuties,stroke behindears or squeeze surface of cat. While youre strokedpet, he purredsweet and will cure you and lift your spirits withpleasantvibrations. Enjoy the vibrations and purring fur cats,where youwant, and share them with friends. Moore-Moore, you areconstantlytogether and you have all the fun!
Damage Car Prank 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you want to tickle buddies and checkthespeed of reactions? It is interesting to know how the car tolookafter stunts, accidents, acts of war or the chase? DownloadtheDamage Car Prank app and have fun.Do the parents or friends car photo, or download a picture fromthephone. Add realistic effects such as the fire, smoke, bulletholes,cracks or scratches on the glass. Share the dizzying photosinsocial with relatives and friends .Treat the reaction of the cars owner and adrenaline areprovided.Beat a retreat faster.Attention. The app is designed to draw and fun and is not atriskto car and others.
Spray Can Graffiti Joke 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you like graffiti, which are depicted onthehouses walls in your town? Do you like to draw, but do notalwayshave a piece of paper and a pencil handy? Draw anywhere withtheSpray Can Graffiti Joke app. Download and run the game, shakethephone a few times, like spray paint and draw what youwant.Realistic sounds and spraying animation make others think thatareal spray for graffiti in your hands. Choose a dye or theballoonscolor as desired.Make fun of your friends as if you create graffiti on theschoolwall or paint the teachers car.Funny jokes to cheer up throughout the company, Surroundingbelieveyou graffiti artist.Attention! The Spray Can Graffiti Joke app is a simulation ofspraypaint, and not spray real dye.
XRay Bag Scanner Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Have you ever seen as a scan items attheairport, theatres, museums or subway? Turn your phone into anXRayscanner with the XRay Bag Scanner Simulator app and do ityourself.Download and run the app. Choose the bags what you wouldscan:backpacks, bags or suitcases. Hold the phone to item and pointthecamera at the bag. Click the scan button, and you will see whatishidden inside in a moment. Check bags, backpacks andsuitcasesfriends, classmates or parents. Lets surrounding thinkthat hidenot get anything. Arrange fun checking bags and will prankthefriends.Attention. XRay Bag Scanner Simulator app created for prankandjokes, is not a real scanner and do not harm to health.
Real Hypnosis Simulator 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you want to read a riddle trick of theeye?Explore optical illusions with the Real Hypnosis Simulatorapp.Install the app, choose one of the effects and see at thecenter ofthe image for 30 sec. Being careful not to keep your eyes.After 30seconds glancing at the other thing. Check how you perceivetheworld: pictures are moving or standing, things are changingsizesor no& Use the app to hypnotize your dog or cat if theyare toonaughty. Just turn the picture and let them see. Tease yourbrainoptical illusions pictures and have the fun.Attention. App contains bright flashing objects which cancausedisorientation in space. Just watch the time and the app willnotcause harm.
Duck Army Scream Joke 1.0
Yami Apps
Do you want to draw the attention of friendsatthe right time? Download the Duck Army Scream Joke app andcountlessrubber quacking ducks will be in your pocket. Push one ormore ducksand hear how they noise. Use the app to play with pets.They will belooking for quacks guard and to look around. Have funwith friends,arranging duck chorus on multiple devices. Lead thescreaming birdsarmy and have a fun. Quack-quack-quack!